Welcome to Biowise (Pty) Ltd

Working on Water Security, Food Production and Biodigestible Waste to Energy Solutions.

We at Biowise, believe that there is a way to a better quality of life for
all of Africa.

We believe that we have to work to secure the future for ourselves and our children.

We need methods that address many challenges,
Southern Africa will be arid within just 30 years,
and over the same period, Africa's population,
will grow by 1.2 Billion People.

* We have to rethink and change the rules of the game.
* We have to learn to produce more food with less water.
* We have to recycle water, not just reduce our use.
* We have to produce more energy at less cost

The Late Prof George Chan called this the IFS
or Integrated Farming System


  • Fertiliser EffluentThe natural highly nutritious by-product of Biodigestion
  • Algae Production Alowing a portion of the fertiliser effluent to lie in shallow basins, will produce Algae growth, which dried & peletised is used directly as fish food
  • Hydroponics Passing the balance of the daily volume of fertiliser slurry effluent into hydroponic tubes, pref mounted in terraces will be perfect feed for most vegetables and flower production
  • Aquacultureflowing the nutrient depleted water from the hydroponics, into fish growing ponds and using the dried algae pelletised as feed, promises an excellent fish production.
  • Wetlandsonce the water has passed through the fish ponds, it is fed into ponds which have floating mats, through wich typical wetland plants are growing, this reduces polutants in the water to almost zero
  • Energy, Methane Gas is harvested from the Biodigester and used as the fuel for electricity generation, providing energy for the organisation as well as water pumoing etc.
  • Carbon Dioxide.CO2 is scrubbed from the Biogas, leaving the Methane almost pure, and the CO2 is then fed into the Hydroponic Greenhouse to enhance natural photosynthesis